Providing a model of the role of moral awareness and technology governance in the professional development of teachers with the mediating role of creativity

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Institute of Ethics and Education, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Today, one of the indicators of success and the degree of growth of organizations compared to each other is the development of human resources in the organization, which makes people perform their tasks with higher quality and to the maximum of their ability to achieve goals. Benefit organizations. The purpose of this study was to present a model of the role of moral awareness and technology governance in the professional development of teachers with the mediating role of creativity.
research methodology: The method of the present study was descriptive-correlation with emphasis on modeling the model of structural equations. The statistical population of the study consists of all primary school teachers in District 2 of Tehran (653). Based on Cochran's formula, 242 people were selected as the statistical sample of the study using simple random sampling. Data were collected based on three questionnaires: IT Governance (2017), Ethical Awareness Questionnaire, Individual Creativity and Institutionalizing Creativity of Mayi et al. (2019) and Professional Development Questionnaire, Nova Standard Questionnaire (2008), with Cronbach's alpha coefficient for IT governance (0.81), moral awareness (0.83), individual creativity (0.84), institutionalization of team creativity (0.77) and professional development (0.79) were obtained and face validity and Their content was verified using the opinion of experts. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and SPLS software (P≤0.05).
Findings: The results showed that ethical awareness has a positive and significant effect on individual creativity and institutionalization of team creativity. The findings also showed that the effect of IT governance on individual creativity and institutionalization of team creativity is positive and significant and the direct effect of individual creativity and institutionalization of team creativity on teacher professional development at the level (P /0 0.05) is positive and significant (P≥ 0.05).
Conclusion: It seems that moral awareness and the rule of technology lead to the professional development of teachers through creativity.


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