A study of Research Barriers from the Viewpoint of Teachers in Behshahr

Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadays the role of research in advancing the goals of the educational system and subsequently achieving development goals is undeniable, but in practice, lack of active participation of teachers, as a key element of education, in these kinds of activities is witnessed. Thus, this study was motivated to identify the obstacles teachers in Behshahr face in undertaking research. The population (n=120) of this descriptive study included all female teachers of secondary school working in 1389-1390 selected through census. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0/75. Its face and content validity was reviewed and approved by subject experts. In order to analyze research questions, descriptive statistics and inferential statistical methods including factor analysis, t-test, and ANOVA were used. Results showed that the six main obstacles in doing research by teachers included the financial barriers, research culture, organizational barrier, lack of trust to research results, motivational factors and databases. The results also showed that all the six barriers are present and significant in the secondary school context in Behshahr. Further, teachers' points of views on barriers to doing research were significantly different concerning the organizational barriers and databases depending on their research and work experience.


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