A Survey of Teachers’ and Administrators’ Attitudes toward Principals’ Performance

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to explore secondary education teachers’ attitudes toward graduates of educational administration, curriculum studies and other majors who are working as school principals in Shiraz. The research method was descriptive-survey and causal comp‌arative, and the population included all public school principals, administrators and teachers in secondary education in Shiraz. A sample of 75 principals and 375 teachers were selected using stratified and simple random sampling methods respectively. In addition, all 15 secondary education administrators in all 4 districts of education organization were interviewed. Research instruments were three Likert-scale questionnaires for teachers (55 items), semi-structured interviews with administrators, and documents of students’ academic achievement. In order to analyze data a use was made of both descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (ANOVA, factor analysis, and multiple regression). The results indicated that there was no difference between the performance of graduates of educational administration and curriculum studies and graduates of other majors. Further analysis of demographic variables suggested that only gender impacted significantly the principals’ performance as regards students’ achievement.


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