Relationship of Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment to job Productivity of Marvdasht Female High School Teachers

Document Type : Research Paper



The Purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship of organizational justice and organizational commitment to job productivity of Marvdasht teachers. Research method was descriptive-correlational. The Population consisted of Marvdasht female high school teachers. A sample of 105 teachers was drawn using simple random sampling method based on Krejcie and Morgan’s sample size table. In order to collect data, a use was made of three questionnaires of organizational justice, organizational commitment, and job productivity. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficients of the instruments were 0.73, 0.90, and 0.83 respectively. Data analysis involved Pearson correlation and multiple regression. The results suggested that there was a significantly positive relationship among organizational justice, organizational commitment and job productivity. In addition, organizational justice and organizational commitment components positively correlated with job productivity.


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