On the Relationship between Learning Organization Components and High school teachers’ Creativity and Innovation

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between a learning organization )from Peter Senge’s point of view) and creativity and innovation of high school teachers in Bijar. The population of this correlational study comprised 210 male and female high school teachers from which a sample of 135 teachers was selected through stratified random sampling. For the purpose of data collection, a use was made of the learning organization questionnaire with 28 items and the creativity and innovation questionnaire with 18 items. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability indexes of the questionnaires were 0.91 and 0.72 respectively. The results of data analyses employing Pearson product moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression indicated that: a. there was a positive relationship between the learning organization and the creativity and innovation of high school teachers,b. there was a significantly positive relationship between the components of learning organization and creativity and innovation of high school teachers, c. it was also revealed that from among the learning organization components team learning and personal mastery could predict the variable of creativity and innovation.


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