An explanation of the multi relationships between knowledge absorptive capacity with academic quality improvement from the viewpoints of faculty members at Isfahan selected Universities

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to examine the multi relationships between knowledge absorptive capacity and academic quality improvement from the viewpoints of faculty members at Isfahan selected Universities . The research method was descriptive and correlational type . The statistical population consisted of 1472 faculty members of Isfahan selected Universities from wich a sample size of 177 was chosen through stratified random sampling . The research instruments included, Minbaeva et al (2003) knowledge absorptive capacity questionnaire . To study academic quality improvement , a questionnaire based on AQIP Scale was utilized . The questionnaires validity was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis  and  their Cronbach alpha coefficient was estimated 0.88 and 0.95 respectively . The findings revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge absorptive capacity and academic quality improvement components (p<0.01) . Also there is positive and significant relationship between knowledge absorptive capacity components (employees’ ability and employees’ motivation ) and academic quality improvement components (p<0.01). The examination of the findings through structural equation modeling indicated that knowledge absorptive capacity had a significant and positive effect on academic quality improvement .


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