The Predictive Role of Personality Traits and Teachers' Beliefs on Global Citizenship rights in Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Primary School Teachers1

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Director, academic member of citizenship education and member of the academic faculty of Shiraz University

2 Associate Professor Department of Foundations of Education & Member of the Scientific Pole of Citizenship Education, Shiraz University

3 Senior student of elementary education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shiraz university, Shiraz


Introduction: The organizational citizenship behavior of teachers is very important considering the important role they play in students' learning. The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive role of personality Traits and teachers' beliefs on global citizenship rights in the organizational citizenship behavior of primary school teachers.

Research methodology: The approach of the research was quantitative and

correlation research. The population and statistical sample of this research were

all primary school teachers working in Qeshm city in 2021-2022. The

instruments used in this study included the organizational citizenship behavior

questionnaire of Podsakoff et al. (2000), Questionnaire of Five Big Factors of

Khormaei and Farmani (2014) taken from Goldberg Questionnaire

(1999), and the Chiu-man Jordan (2009) Global Citizenship Education

Questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the instruments were checked by

Cronbach's alpha method and construct validity . Data were analyzed using

SPSS software.

Findings: The results of regression analysis of personality Traits on

organizational citizenship behavior showed that among the five personality

dimensions, only the dimensions of openness to experience and

conscientiousness are positive predictors of significant organizational

citizenship behavior. The results of regression analysis of the dimensions of

teachers' beliefs in global citizenship rights on organizational citizenship

behavior showed that between the two factors of attitudes and beliefs to global

citizens, the educational factor was a positive predictor of significant

organizational citizenship behavior. Also, among personality variables and

beliefs, personality traits had higher coefficients in predicting organizational

citizenship behavior.

Conclusion: It is important to pay attention to the development of beliefs and attitudes, development of abilities, professional skills and personality traits of teachers for the emergence of organizational citizenship behavior
