Understanding how to create and develop teachers' educational innovations through the lens of design thinking

Document Type : Research Paper


1 shahid beheshti

2 ab o ayeneh center

3 Shahid Beheshti


Teacherpreneurs play a vital role in creating and developing educational innovation. The current research also seeks to understand the process of these innovations through the lens of design thinking as a human-centered approach. The participants in this research are teachers who have provided innovative solutions to solve educational problems and developed them in the form of an educational startup. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and with (semi-structured) interviews with 10 teacherpreneurs. The obtained data were analyzed by Strauss and Corbin coding method. The research findings are presented in 5 categories according to the stages of design thinking. 1. Empathy and accurate understanding of the learner's needs 2. Discovery and precise definition of the problem or the learner's need 3. Coherent and methodical ideation and innovation research, 4. Construction and implementation of a sample on a micro-scale (classroom), 5. Validation of the idea Through sharing and feedback from learners and colleagues. The result of the research shows that the most important difference between the innovative solutions of teacherpreneurs and the usual innovations is the scalability of these innovations. Part of this is due to knowing the audience and defining the exact need and then checking the quality of the innovative solution in the classroom and during collaboration with other teachers. The results of this research can be the basis for the development of the educational innovation of the teacher of entrepreneurs, and the development of the teacher of new entrepreneurs.
