The effectiveness of reverse teaching on math anxiety, academic motivation and academic vitality of second grade of high school students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Psychology, Roudhen Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Psychology, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudhen, Iran.


Background: Today, importance of mathematical knowledge in the history of science development and even the course of industrial and technical developments has been revealed to everyone. One factor that can impair the learning process of math and its associated positive factors is mathematical anxiety. Presence of mathematical anxiety can reduce students' academic motivation. Academic vitality refers to the student's ability to overcome the problems typically occurring in the daily academic life of most students and predicts the extent of absenteeism (negatively), homework, positive academic goals and objectives indicating desire to study. According to most studies existence of mathematical anxiety and lack of motivation and academic vitality seriously damage the development of the individual and the advancement of education. Given that the most vulnerability seems to occur in adolescence, it is necessary to seek new scientific theories and strategies to enhance mathematical self-efficacy, motivation and academic vitality. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectivness of reverse class method on mathematical anxiety, academic motivation and students' academic vitality. Methods: It was a quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design with a control and follow-up group for one month. Population of the study consisted of all female second grade of high school students in Tehran in 1399-1400 academic year. The statistical sample of the study included 30 high school students in mathematics who were selected through cluster sampling. Research instruments were standard questionnaires of Plick and Parker mathematical anxiety (1982), Harter academic motivation (1980) and Hosseinchari and Dehghani Zadeh academic vitality (2012). In order to analyze the data, repeated measures analysis of variance was used.Results: Findings showed that the reverse class method increases academic motivation and academic vitality and also reduces mathematical anxiety compared to the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: According to the results obtained from the research, applying the reverse class method increases academic motivation and vitality and reduces mathematical anxiety. Increasing teachers' information in the field of reverse teaching and holding in-service courses for teachers, providing reverse teaching information is one of the main recommendations of this research.
