Rethinking the barriers of public participation in school governance based on institutional analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Educational Adminstration, Imam sadiq university, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof in Department of Statistical Researches and Information Technology, Higher Education Research and Planning Institute, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof in Department of Business, Faculty of Financial Sciences, Management and Entrepreneurship, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


Introduction: Today, participation in education is a solution for having equal educational opportunities. It is also a place for showing talents and increasing the capabilities of people. So the purpose of this Study is to investigate the barriers to participation in providing school resources.research methodology:This research is a qualitative research and the method of the first part is quantitative content analysis of previous researches, which is based on the search in the databases of all 30 researches with topic of barriers to participation in education that have been published in the form of articles over the 1375-1399 were published; were chosen. And in the second part of the research is used analysis network of themes are extracted from semi-structured interviews with educational managers and school managers in Tehran city, which were selected by the purposeful sampling method and used consecutive type and its volume was determined according to information saturation.Findings:The findings of the research showed that although the previous studies identified the cultural-social factors of the school staff as the most important obstacle, but the results of the analysis of the interviews showed that the scope of these obstacles is in three levels of attitudes, behaviors and institutional infrastructure - laws - and it can be categorized among more actors, which shows the complexity and deep root of some obstacles. Also, the findings of the research showed that among the barriers to participation are excessive professionalism, centralization, monetization of education, lack of transparency, lack of trust in people, and the high rate of program changes by policy makers; The oil schema of parents, their desire for participation, non-compliance with ethics, social pressure and incorrect definition of participation by the principal and teaching staff, lack of accountability to parents, their lack of motivation and isomorphy between schools pointed out.Conclusion: It is necessary to consider the school as a social institution and to improve participation in school governance, there is a need for institutional changes in this field.


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