Designing a Model of an Innovative University in Relation to Society: a Strategy for the Management and Development of Fourth-Generation Universities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate in Higher Educational Administration (Tehran University), Researcher of Scientific Policy Research Center of the country; Iran,

2 Professor, Higher Education Planning; Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education.

3 Master of Educational administration, Shahid Beheshti University.


Introduction and Objective: Considering the process of transforming the university from the third generation to the fourth generation with the aim of responding to the needs of civil society and the lack of clarity about the characteristics of such a university comprehensively, the main purpose of the research is to design the characteristics of the fourth generation university as an innovative one in connection with a society based on the quadruple helix (QH).                      
Research Methodology: Research is practical in terms of purpose. First, on the basis of the systematic review methodology, 37 national and international scientific-research articles related to the topic from 1990 to 2020, as well as the national documents from the Iranian higher education system were analyzed utilizing the content analysis within the coding process, and the features of the innovative university in relation to society have been identified. Then, based on the descriptive-survey research method and the questionnaire developed by the researchers, the validity of the constructs and the fit of the model have examined through the partial least squares (PLS) technique.Given the comprehensiveness of the conceptual model and the need to evaluate all its dimensions and focus on the relationship with civil society, graduates and faculty from affiliated university science and technology parks that were active during COVID-19 (2020) were chosen as the statistical population. Then the questionnaire were distributed to 250 individuals in two science and technology parks using the cluster sampling method.                                    
 Results: The final model with the core phenomenon named by the authors as a"socially innovative university" on the basis of a systems approach to the university as an open university was designed in 4 cluster categories including inputs, process of interaction, outputs, and effects with 11 main categories and 32 components. High factor loads of all elements (values greater than 0.5) indicate a high level of significance and a strong correlation between visible variables and hidden variables. In addition, by calculating the GOF criterion, the fit of the model was confirmed at a high level (0.755) in all four categorical groups.


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