Relationship of Principals’ Reliance on Power Types to the Efficacy and Organizational Commitment of Teaches

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study aimed at investigating the relationship of the principals’ use of power types (obligatory, awarding, and legal) to the efficacy and organizational commitment of teachers in the second district of education organization in Shiraz. The design of the study was descriptive and correlational. The sample of the study consisted of 113 instructors currently teaching at high schools in Shiraz selected through simple random sampling based on Morgan’s Table. Three questionnaires of power management (developed by the current researchers), Parson’s efficacy, and organizational commitment (Madoy, Steerz, & Porter, 1974) were used in this study. Data analysis through Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that the relationship between power management and efficacy was statistically significant. From among the power types, awarding and legal ones had significant correlations with efficacy. On the other hand, no significant relationship was detected between power management and organizational commitment, and none of the power types was capable of predicting organizational commitment.
