Provide a model for promoting pedagogical coordination and educational leadership for school improvement

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Educational Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


Introduction and goal: Improving the school increases the capacity of teachers and leaders and ultimately improves students' learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to provide a model for promoting pedagogical coordination and educational leadership for school improvement.

Research methodology: In terms of purpose, the present research is applied and according to the method of collecting descriptive-correlational information based on structural equation modeling using the path analysis method. The statistical population of this research includes all the primary school teachers of the first district of Urmia city in the number of 1113 people, using the Karjesi and Morgan table, 290 people were selected as a statistical sample by cluster sampling method. The standardized distributed leadership questionnaire of Hulpia et al. (2009) consisting of 40 items was used to collect data. After confirming the formal and content validity of the research tool by a number of experts, five components, educational coordination, educational leadership, common goals, joint work and participation in decision-making were extracted through exploratory factor analysis and the reliability of the research tool was calculated using Cronbach's alpha method as 0.953. The relationship between the variables was tested through structural equation modeling with the path analysis method.

Findings: The results showed that educational leadership explains 20%, joint work 18%, common goals 41% and participation in decision making 21% of the variance of educational coordination.

Conclusion: In this study, the relationships between the variables of educational leadership, joint work, common goals and participation in decision-making are confirmed, which together create coordination in the school, which ultimately improves the school and increases students' learning.
