Presenting A Model To Increase The Effectiveness Of Learning In The Virtual Education Systems Of Bojnord Universities In 2019

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in educational management

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational sciences, Bojnourd Branch , Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Bojnord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnord, Iran


Introduction: The purpose of this research is to provide a model to increase the effectiveness of learning in the virtual education systems of Bojnord universities in 2019.
research methodology: The current research is a type of quantitative-qualitative research, which in terms of the method of data collection is among mixed research. The statistical population in the qualitative section included 20 academic staff members of Islamic Azad universities, government, Quranic sciences, Ishraq, Hakims, and medical sciences of Bojnord city randomly, and in the quantitative section, 200 academic staff members of Bojnord universities including Azad Islamic universities It was the government-funded unit of Qur'anic sciences, Ishraq, Hakims, and medical sciences. The data collection tool in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part it was a researcher-made questionnaire, the convergent and divergent validity as well as the reliability of the questions were confirmed by using factor loading and Cronbach's alpha, and for analyzing the data of the qualitative part with The use of theme analysis software (Max Qudi) and in a small part SPSS version 22 and pls software were used.
Findings: According to the findings of the research, the main components of effective learning in virtual education systems in Bojnord universities include the components of teaching-learning activities, flexibility, educational content and its organization, interaction and feedback, user support, workload, The system of virtual education, school, training, management and evaluation were identified.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that learning in virtual education systems is derived from several factors for effectiveness in Bojnord. universities and it is necessary to use various dimensions in this field to be effective.used.


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