Providing an indigenous model of positive leadership for primary school principals

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in the Department of Educational Administration at Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Dept. of Educational Administration Faculty of Management University of Kharazmi, Tehran Iran

3 : Dept. of Educational Administration Faculty of Management University of Kharazmi, Tehran Iran



Introduction and purpose: Recently, the concept of positive leadership for school principals has been considered as a new approach in the school leadership literature. The purpose of the present study was to provide an indigenous model of positive leadership for primary school principals.

Methodology: This research was conducted with a qualitative study approach and grounded theory method. The population of this study included all successful principals in Tehran province. Using purposeful and criteria sampling method and in terms of data saturation, 24 sample principals of Tehran province (girls' schools) in six educational districts (3, 4, 5, 11, 13 and 16) were identified as participants who had more than 10 years of experience. Through in-depth interviews, the collected data were analyzed with a systematic approach (open, axial and selective coding). The Delphi method was used to validate the results. The results based on content validity index (cvi) and overall appropriateness (s-cvi) showed that the appropriateness of the proposed model is 0.96, which was higher than the minimum appropriate appropriateness (0.79).

Findings and conclusion: The indigenous model was identified in terms of the ten dimensions of divine insight and metaphysics, principles and ethics, positive leadership affection, positive leadership skills, positive leadership behaviors, leader-member relationships, outcomes for staff, organizational culture, organizational climate, and productivity. The research gaps of positive leadership in the country and especially at the level of educational structures such as schools are very evident. This investigation provides credence to scientific criticism concerning the absence of empirical positive school leadership theories. Processing of this structure in different contexts can greatly contribute to its richness.


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