Identify The Dimensions And Components Of An Effective Teaching Model In Elementary School

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.

2 PhD Student in Educational Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.


Introduction: The Purpose Of This Study Is To Identify The Dimensions And Components Of An Effective Teaching Model In Primary School.research methodology: This research has been done qualitatively and by content analysis method
Findings:Effective teaching model includes 3 main components (individual, teaching and evaluation, scientific-educational) and 10 indicators (personality, communication, professional ethics, classroom management, teaching skills, evaluation and evaluation, technical and professional, educational and research, Preparation and development, scientific support).
Conclusion: The issue of effective teaching in primary school should be given special attention because teachers, as an important part of the scientific community of any country, have an important role in the production of science and knowledge, this role requires education first by selecting and attracting efficient staff, and Giving the required trainings and skills to teachers as well as real understanding of their teachers 'needs and with the necessary knowledge and awareness, provide them with the necessary resources and provide access to it and provide the ground for teachers' growth and excellence, because if teachers from If they have good teaching, then we can hope to improve the quality of educational activities and missions.


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