Title Identifying criteria for recruiting faculty members and providing appropriate solutions Subject of study: non governmental higher education institutions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Higher Education Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management and Higher Education, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Educational Management Department, Farhangian University of Tehran. Iran


Introduction: The purpose of this research was to identify the criteria for recruiting faculty members and provide appropriate solutions, focusing on non-governmental higher education institutions. Therefore, it was tried to use qualitative and quantitative data to achieve the aforementioned goal.
Research methodology:This research was conducted with a mixed approach in a sequential manner in two qualitative and quantitative parts; First, in the qualitative phase, by using the theoretical saturation law to determine the desired sample size, through semi-structured interviews with 16 faculty members who were selected by purposive sampling, the components of attracting faculty members were identified and given. The research findings were analyzed by theme analysis technique. In the quantitative section, to collect information using a researcher-made questionnaire on a larger scale among samples consisting of experts (experts, recruitment specialists, faculty members and applicants involved in the process of faculty recruitment), faculty recruitment programs that are considered informed in the mentioned field were distributed. The size of the selected sample based on a rule in order to perform the confirmatory factor analysis, 300 people was determined using the proportional stratified method.
Findings: The method of data analysis in the qualitative part consists of three stages of open, central and selective coding, after theoretical saturation of experts, the pattern of recruiting faculty members of non-governmental higher education institutions consists of four dimensions and 33 components and 140 items. Came. Also, in line with the supplementary analysis and in order to validate the presented model, the data was analyzed with Amos software and using confirmatory factor analysis. Structural equation modeling analyzes supported the fit of the model with the data.
Conclusion: According to the findings, this model can provide appropriate information for recruiting faculty members of non-governmental higher education institutions.


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