The Effectiveness of Teachers’ Traininig in Effective Classroom Management on Cognitive Outcomes :perceptions of classroom environment and time on task

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Student of Educational Management, Semnan University,Semnan,Iran

2 Professor of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sience, Semnan University,Semnan,Iran

3 Associate Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sience. Semnan University, Semnan,Iran


Introduction The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of teachers’ traininig in effective classroom management on cognitive outcomes (perceptions of classroom environment and time on task.
research methodology: Research plan, experimental pretest-posttest control group with follow-up testing was used. The population of this research included all teachers with work experience under 10 years from seaman elemetry secondary schools(fourth to sixth grades) and their  class students . The participants of intervention program were 40  teachers chosen and participated in random replacement method in experimental and control groups(each group, n=20). All  students in both groups completed the questionnaire of Genty and Gable’s Perception of Classroom Activities. Time on task was measured by traind observers in all 40 classes. Then, the intervention was performed for the teachers in experimental group during 15 two hours sessions. Multivariate repeated measures analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data. Data were also followed for two months.
Findings: The investigation of two groups in terms of mean in perceptions of classroom environment through the tools used in the post-test and follow-up showed an increase in Interest, Challenge and Choice in the group after the intervention (p<.001).Also the average of time on task in experimental group was significently higher in both post and follow up test (p<.001). Moreover, the results proved to be stable in a time lapse of two months
Conclusion Understanding the effective learning environment needs knowledge and recognition of a set of techniques that can be learned and applied


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