Explaining the pattern of relief culture and charity in the official education system of the country

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Educational Science

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University Branch, Lamerd, Iran

3 . Associate Professor, Department of Education Sciences, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology, marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University.


The title of this study is "Explaining the pattern of relief culture and charity in the official education system of the country". This research has been done by exploratory mixed research method and has been considered as proportional to the structure and nature of the research from the applied tools The statistical population of the study consisted of 212 educational experts working in the Education Department of Bushehr province and the stratified sample of the research was 52 experts selected from the collection. In the quantitative part, the researcher-made questionnaire with validity and reliability of questionnaire was used. Data integration was performed in both quantitative and qualitative stages using spss statistical software and factor analysis technique.


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Volume 11, Issue 45
November and December 2020
Pages 269-288
  • Receive Date: 08 November 2019
  • Revise Date: 12 April 2020
  • Accept Date: 25 December 2020