Factors Influencing Human Resources Architecture in Islamic Azad University of Fars

Document Type : Research Paper


1 governmental management PhD student of Islamic Azad University of Isfahan(Khorasgan) Iran

2 Faculty member of Islamic Azad University of Isfahan(Khorasgan) Iran


The purpose of this study was to present a model of organizational architecture in Islamic Azad University of Fars province. The purpose of this research is development-applied. The statistical population of the study was 1297 employees of Islamic Azad University of Fars province. Using Cochran formula, 297 persons were selected using random cluster sampling. The library and field study method was used for data collection. The standard questionnaire of human resource management architecture questionnaire was used by Mehdizadeh et al. (2019). In order to determine the appropriate pattern using LISREL software, a model with structural equation technique has been evaluated. Finally, the analysis of this model has found a suitable model for organizational architecture. The results show that the Human Resource Architecture of Islamic Azad University of Fars Province, including later, Entrepreneurial Properties of Human Resource Architecture, Human Resource Architecture Entrepreneurship Basic Elements, Human Resource Architecture Entrepreneurship Systems, Human Resource Architecture Entrepreneurial Behaviors, Tasks, and Entrepreneurial Activities Human Resource Management Architecture and Products and Entrepreneurial Performance Human Resource Management Architecture has the highest priority in HR architecture at the Islamic Azad University of Fars Province.



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