Review and analysis oJohn Dewey's philosophical and educational implications for educational managers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 educational science_humanities_bushehr_faculty member_azad university

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the philosophical and psychological thoughts of John Dewey and its application to educational managers. In this research, the researcher has used the qualitative content analysis method to extract the philosophical and educational foundations of Dewey. Also, by analyzing the duties of educational executives, efforts have been made to make managers more profitable than the fundamentals of the great thinkers of the world, including Dewey.
The field of research is all the narrative texts and existing documents and authoritative books that are selected from among available sources, principles of philosophy, organization and management in education. Data were collected using two methods of word-of-mouth and meta-analysis, and data collection in this study was done using electronic resources and documentary and check-in methods.
The analysis of the data in this study is based on a descriptive interpretation approach that was used by coding and ultimately these findings were obtained. From Dewey's point of view, it is constantly changing and the world can be divided. Human life also requires interaction with the environment, and human is a social being, and in the field of epistemology, it is also believed that recognition is a testamentary image and knowledge is the result of the influence and impact of the individual with the environment. He believed in valuation that value was a testamentary and a desirable criterion of values is their practical usefulness. Also, using the principles of Dewey's education, we find that a broader, freer, and flexible school environment is possible, all of which The attributes were explored by the researcher.
In this research, it has been attempted to express the philosophical foundations of John Dewey's way for the use of pragmatic educational managers to take practical steps to put them into practice and use them, and to put them into practice, and to have a happy school and classroom.


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