The effectiveness of selected literary text content on social performance and adaptability of primary school students in the city of Bushehr

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was determine the effectiveness of selected literary text content on social performance and adaptability of primary school students in the city of Bushehr. The research method was Quasi-experimental. The study sample included all fifth grade students in elementary school of Bushehr City. The sample included 60 students that was selected by random cluster sampling method . the data collection tools was two questionaier that is social performance and adaptability of the students' questionnaire that both were designed by researcher and their validity and reliability were confirmed. Data analysis was performed by using the SPSS and were analyzed by covariance analysis. The findings showed that there is a significant difference between social performance and adaptability of the students' in experimental and control groups . In other words, the content of literary education have effect on increasing the social functioning and adaptability.






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