The Study Of Localization Of Knowledge Management In Public Organizations Based On The Teachings Of Islamic Religion And Iranian Culture

Document Type : Research Paper


1 im teaching in university

2 Tehran, azad univrsity

3 faculty member of islamshahr Azad University


The Purpose Of This Research Was To Study The Knowledge Management Localization Based On The Values And Teachings Of Islamic Religion And Iranian Culture And Providing A Model Of Iranian Islamic Knowledge Management For Government Agencies. Every Society Needs A Knowledge Collection That Appropriate To Historical And Cultural Memory, And In General, It Is Compatible With The Living Environment Of The Community. Despite The Many Studies That Have Been Done In Knowledge Management, Very Few Researches Have Focused On Knowledge Management With The Iranian Islamic Approach And There Was No Comprehensive And Credible Research In This Regard. The Research Was Based On Qualitative Data Type And The Researcher's Role Was Independent Of The Research Process. The Research Method Was The Grounded Theorizing. There Was No Statistical Population In This Study And Exclusive Interviews Were Conducted Through Purposeful Sampling With Seventeen Experts Until Data Saturation. Data Were Analyzed Using Open, Axial, And Selective Coding. Based On The Analysis Of Collected Data And After The Three Step Coding Process Of The Interview Text, 235 Final Codes, 80 Final Concepts And 29 Categories (Cultivation, Knowledge Mining, Futures Studies, Thinking, Scientific Authority, Spiritual Knowledge & etc) Obtained. The Axial Category Of This Research Is The Concept Of Islamic Iranian Knowledge Management.. Finally, After Selective Encoding Of The Collected Data, The Final Model Of Iranian Islamic Knowledge Management Was Presented.





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