The educational leadership deductions based on recognition of God & human in Al-Mizan commentary of Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 khaje nasir tusi,farhangian university,kerman,iran

2 Educational science ,faculty of literature, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman,iran

3 Educational Sciences , faculty of literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman,iran


This project aims to upgrade the theory of Islamic education by presenting Educational Leadership Requirements through recognition of the attributes of God and man. The method of this qualitative research to provide educational leadership requirements is analysis of the meaning of Quran’s verses, related to God's attributes and leadership of the Prophet in the field of mankind's guidance and evolution. As Almizan commentary is one of best commentary of Quran, the comments of AL lame tabatabaei is studied as the main sources of data. The data is analyzed after data collection. The results of the research includes pure and practical points in the field of educational management: Based on the inference of the theological basis, every educational leader must know that God has given the possibility of cultivating his attributes in human and also educational leader through his divine spirits in man .there are some God’s attributes like all knowing &wise that expresses the necessity of mastering the manager's scientific and professional knowledge, his managerial skills and ability, and also his awareness and vigilance about the issues. As he is all provider, teacher& gentle, the educational leader must also try to improve the financial and intellectual development of learners and also be nice to them.according to the attributes of man, an educational leader must have faith, good manner, kindness, consult, trust, moderation, justice, Endurance and assiduity.



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