Intellectual Capital evaluation in training centers using AHP

Document Type : Research Paper


These intellectual capacities are used in generating values for organizations. In the recent years judgments concerning the success rate of organizations rely upon management of such assets. In the late 20th century, the academic circles and universities began to be viewed as major initiators of social and economic upheavals. Before that the bulk of investment were focused on industries. However, at the turn of the century, a major shift of emphasis occurred away from competition preference to overt scientific knowledge potentials coming from universities as the centre of excellence in science. There has also been a similar shift of attention here in Iran where higher level education in general and “Payam-e-noor University” in particular has been regarded generator of knowledge. The present research therefore aims at assessing the intellectual asset management performance in Payam-e-noor University-Guilan using the AHP method. So the study is both applied and descriptive in nature. The intended statistical society included a group of 365 university staff out of whom 187 subjects were selected through random cluster sampling. The use of paired comparison questionnaire was carried out to elicit the required information from the respondents. The results should show the top priority of ”human assets” with a preferential coefficient (pco) of 0.62 followed by “innovation” which was a factor with a Pco of 0.76 standing prior to “responsibility” with a Pco value of 0.16 preceding “staff satisfaction”-0.07. Meanwhile, “the culture of work environment” took precedence to “technology transfer” 0.29 followed by “information system” with a pco value of 0.62 which itself preceded “customer’s loyalty enjoying a pco of 0.23 standing higher than customer’s satisfaction-0.13. Finally, Guilan university branch enjoyed a preferential coefficient of 0.33 standing above of other university units



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