Identification and Prioritization of the Indicators of Justice-oriented Training and Improvement System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Public Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Public Management, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


According to strategic human resource management, employees are considered as the assets of the organization, and appropriate training and improvement in this regard are considered as an effective investment in these assets. Training and improving the employees is a strategic action that improves the quality of the job at the individual level, is the factor of excellence at the organizational level and development of the organization at the national level that leads to an increase in productivity. The human resources training and improvement system acts as a complement to the employment system, which empowers employees and guarantees future success. The main purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the indicators of justice-oriented training and improvement system. The research method was mixed exploratory, in which qualitative and quantitative data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. A sample of 15 experts (human resources management professors) was selected through purposeful judgment sampling. The validity of the coding process was evaluated via re-coding method, and also the validity was assessed using re-examination of the interviewees. The indicators of the justice-oriented training and improvement system were identified by means of interview and Scott reliable coefficient and they were analyzed for a prioritization in an analytical hierarchy process questionnaire based on the AHP method. Finally, according to the results of the research, the indicators of proportionality, accessibility and effectiveness in regard with distributive justice dimension, indicators of bias, correct ability, representativeness and standardization and in respect with the procedural justice dimension, indicators of respect, trustfulness and feedback with regard to the interactional justice dimension and finally the indicators of justification, clarification and information sharing in regard with informational justice dimension were identified and prioritized in the training and improvement system.


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