Provide Template Optimization Pattern and Cost Reduction virtual education system (In the distance)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 teacher/farhangian university

2 Associate Professor, Payame Noor University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 Full Professor and Head of School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Payame Noor University of Tehran

4 Member of faculty of Payame Noor University of


The purpose of this study was to present a model of timing optimization and cost reduction in the distance education system. One of the successful methods of scheduling and optimizing costs in project and service systems is value management. This research is applied in terms of its purpose and in terms of implementing a descriptive-analytic research. In this research, a comprehensive study is conducted on the distance learning system of Payam Noor University. Therefore, using field and library studies, on the one hand, and interviewing and compiling a questionnaire for obtaining information from the managers and officials of this university was used. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to evaluate the time and cost of the distance education system. The results of the analysis of the first hypothesis showed that in all situations, the probability value is less than 5% and in a situation less than 10%. Regarding correlation coefficient and regression coefficient (β), the relationship between independent and dependent variable can be found. The results of the second hypothesis showed that in all situations, the assumption that there is a relationship between the impacts of cost centers on managing the value earned in the success of training courses from the first degree round is accepted. Also, in all situations, the correlation coefficient is negative. Therefore, the inverse relationship between the impacts of cost centers on the management of acquired value, on the success of the first-round training courses, in all situations, is accepted with a probability of 95%. It was shown that there is a correlation between variables related to the impact of cost centers on managing the value obtained in the success of the first-round educational courses. The results of the third hypothesis showed that the assumption is based on the existence of a relationship between the impacts of centers of activity on the management of the value obtained in the success of distance education courses. Regarding correlation coefficient and regression coefficient, the relationship between independent and dependent variables can be found. in this research The results of the fourth accepted.



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