Develop a structural model for predicting academic achievement of children through style Fact and epistemological beliefs in high school students in Tehran second period

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student

2 Full-time faculty members of Semnan University, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Psychology PhD.

3 Faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University, Associate Professor

4 Nursing Care Research Center, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to develop a structural model for predicting academic achievement through parenting styles and epistemological beliefs in secondary school students (based on the Karagic-Morgan formula of 400 students in Tehran's districts) to participate in this research. Out of this, 200 female students and 200 male students responded to Bumerind's parenting styles questionnaire (BPSQ) and Shomer's epistemological beliefs (EQ) questionnaire. The research sample was selected randomly in a multi-stage cluster. The results of this study showed that parenting styles have a direct positive and significant effect on academic achievement. Autocratic parenting styles have a direct negative and significant effect on academic achievement. While negligent childbearing styles have a direct negative and insignificant effect on academic achievement. Also, Pearson correlation coefficients between epistemological beliefs dimensions and academic achievement have been shown that the simplicity, certainty and source of knowledge have a positive correlation and have a significant relationship with academic achievement, while inferior learning and quick learning have a negative correlation with academic achievement.



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