Designing a model for capital return in distance higher education system

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in planning distance education at Payam Noor University

2 payam noor university


Education returns especially in distance education is more sensitive because of the questions raised about the quality of this courses. On this basis, this paper examines the rate of education returns in distance education courses held in Payame Noor university. Research method was descriptive – correlation and the rate of education returns has calculated using the standard Minser model with regard to control variables including gender and type of marriage. Panel data techniques has been used for estimation regression. The statistical population of the study includes all distance education courses held in Payame Noor university from the beginning of 2011 to the end of 2015. The results show that the relation between the rate of return on educational and the individual’s income is positive and meaningful and there is a meaningful relationship between the rate of return in distance learning courses with gender and marriage, and also results show that the education return in women is higher than man and education return in marrieds is higher than singles.


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