Designing Curriculum Based to Peace Education for Elementary System, a Qualitative Study .

Document Type : Research Paper


1 univercity khurasgan

2 univercity khorasgan

3 university khorasgan


This Study Was Mainly Designing Curriculum Based to Peace Education for Elementary System,a Qualitative Study.The Present Study Aimed at Investigating the International Studies Conducted on Peace Education by Employing a Qualitative Approach.In Order to Collect the Data ,The Related Literature Was Reviewed Based on The Questions and Objectives of The Study .The Data Analysis Was Based on Deduction.The Results of The Study Depicted Four Main Categories.Including Objective, Content,Learning / Teaching Strategies,Assessment Technicals and The Peace Education Components to Include of Peace Knowledge,Peace Attitude and Peace Ability and The Validity of Designing for Elementary System Was Approved by Experts. The Present Study,As a Model for Designing Curriculum Based to Peace Education Could Have Implications and Applications for Language Planners and Syllabus Designers in The Country and It Might Shed Light on Curriculum  Planning for Elementary System and Schools May Devise a Program Comprising The Transmission of Universal Values and Enduring Attitudes,and The Development of Skills Which Will Enable Our Students to Become Active Global Citizens and It Is Hoped  That This Understanding, They Could Lead for Being to The Realization of Humanity,Peace and Tranquility in The World.


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