Studying students’ self-directed learning effected by teaching academic subject of the principles and philosophy of education through Management Education With a focus on participatory teaching (Jygsav)

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study, was to survey the effect of teaching academic subject of the Principles and Philosophy of Education(PPE) through Behrangi’s Education Management Model (MEM) on students’ self-directed learning. Research method is Quasi-experimental using a two-group design with pre-test and post-test. The tool for collecting data was Fisher & et al (2001) self-direction questionnaire consisted of 41 items. Two classes in access of undergraduate students majoring in Elementary Education from Islamic Azad University Rawansar city were sampled. One with 25 students was selected randomly as an experimental group, and the other 25 student’s class as control group. Experimental group was taught through using MEM and the other with traditional method. After completing the five-week period of teaching, Fisher’s self-directed questionnaire, conducted in both classes. For analyzing the data from Independent variables, T-test, Effect Size formula and Analysis of Covariance were used. The results indicated; teaching academic subject of PPE through MEM has a positive significant effect on Azad University students’ self-directed learning.


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