The impact of organizational justice, organizational culture, organizational citizenship behavior

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of organizational justice, organizational identity and organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior. The population of 500 people, including "directors, deputies, heads and experts of the Department of Education in Tehran " were in 2014-2015. According to Morgan and randomized 217 subjects were selected class.To collect data from questionnaires, standard organizational justice Beugre Includes 21 questions to evaluate three types of distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice, Cheney corporate identity 18 questions for the examination of membership, loyalty and similarities, organizational culture 56 questions for the examination of creativity, risk-taking, given the outcome, according to members of the organization, assess the impact Brkarknan decisions, the evaluation team to assess the ambition and stability testing and Podsakoff organizational citizenship behavior 12 questions for the examination of chivalry, Altruism, Civicvirtue, conscientiousness and Respect is used. For descriptive statistics and frequency of SPSS software and inferential analysis software used Smart PLS. In this study, the coefficient of 95% is considered. The results showed that organizational justice, corporate culture organizational citizenship behavior has a significant positive effect on the findings of the research impact of each component of equity, corporate culture are examined separately, the greatest impact justice, corporate culture has less impact on the loyalty and justice, respect for culture of the OCB.


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