The Effect of in-Service Training Courses on Empowerment and Productivity, Managers and Employees



    The aim of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of in-service training courses on empowerment and productivity of managers of Youth and Sports Department staff in Fars province. The research method is descriptive-survey and the population of this study was 320 personnel including both managers and employees of Youth and Sports Department staff in Fars province. Out of this population and based on Krejcie and morgen table, 175 individuals were selected through simple random sampling. Three questionnaires of educating, empowerment and productivity were used to collect information from in-service training courses. The data analysis of statistical methods was done with SPSS software. Generally, the results of study indicate that education is influential on empowerment and productivity of the population studied, and considering the importance of empowerment and productivity on sport and Youth promotion, it is recommended to pay more attention to empowerment and productivity.


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