The Effect of Teaching Science Using Education Management Model on Students' Self-Directed Learning 3th Grade Secondary Schools



    The purpose of this study was to survey the effect of teaching science using Education Management Model on students' self-directed learning in 3th grade secondary schools. The research method is Quasi-experimental by using a two-group design with pre-test and post-test. In this study, two classes from Ferdosi male Secondary school which located in Baharestan city participated as an available sample. Of these two classes were assigned, one with 34 students was selected as an experimental group and the other class with 34 students was selected as a control group. Education Management Model was used in the experimental group and the control group was taught through the traditional method during a six weeks period. Data collection was done with Fisher et al. (2001) self-directed questionnaire consisting of 41 questions in which validity was confirmed by educational experts' views and it was confirmed by α-Cronbach's coefficient. Independent T-test and Analysis of covariance was used to analyze statistical data. The results of experiment showed that the Education Management Model has a positive effect on students' self-directed learning


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