The Relation between Organizational Culture and Atmosphere with Meditation of Capacitate Rule on the Organizational Assumption of the Stuffs of Fars Province Education Organization

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to evaluate a model of the relationship between organizational culture and atmosphere, and organizational commitment with the mediation of empowerment. The present correlational study included 162 employees of Fars education organization selected through stratified sampling method. This study employed four questionnaires of organizational atmosphere, organizational culture, organizational commitment, and empowerment. They all enjoyed adequate reliability and validity. Both descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation and path analysis) were utilized to analyze data. The research findings indicated that there was significant and positive relation between the components of organizational atmosphere (open atmosphere, close atmosphere, support, order, confinement, cooperation, and bigheartedness) and organizational commitment. All the components of organizational culture (innovation, attention to details, attention to persons, attention to group construction, boldness, pugnacity, and affirmation) except attention to results had a positive and significant relation with organizational commitment. Except significance to others, all the components of empowerment (ability, independence, effectiveness, and confidence) had a positive and significant relation with organizational commitment.
