A Study of the Level of Attention Given to Citizenship Education in the Components of Atmosphere, Organization, Teacher-students Interactions

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper investigated the level of attention given to citizenship education in the prevailing social atmosphere, organizational structure, and interaction between teachers and students. The target population included all high school teachers in Hamedan in the academic year 2009-2010. A sample of 143 teachers was drawn through random sampling method. A use was made of a Likert scale questionnaire developed by the present researcher. It tapped into the three components of social atmosphere, organizational structure, and the interaction between teachers and students. Its reliability was calculated to be 0/877 using the Cronbach’s Alpha. Its face and content validity was established by a panel of five experts. In order to analyze data a use was made of both descriptive and inferential statistics employing SPSS software. The results indicated that the level of attention given to citizenship education was adequate for social atmosphere and organizational structure, whereas teacher-student interaction received average attention.
