An Evaluation and Prioritization of Educational Quality from the Point of View of Shiraz Azad University Faculty Members Using Problem-solving Approach and Six-sigma Instrument

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aimed at evaluating and prioritizing educational quality from the Point of View of Shiraz Azad University Faculty Members Using DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) Problem-solving Approach and Six-sigma Instrument in the academic year 2010-2011. Out of a population of 307 Faculty members in Shiraz Azad University, 169 respondents were sampled according to Morgan’s table using proportional stratified sampling method. Research instrument was a fifty-four item questionnaire developed by the current researchers to assess educational quality. When its face validity was established by some faculty members of the respective university, its content-related validity was assessed employing item analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha. In statistical analysis, inferential statistics was used (one-sample t-test and analysis of variance of repeated measures). The research findings revealed that in evaluating and prioritizing of DMAIC steps in relation to education quality, the highest and the lowest mean were those of control (2/83) and analysis steps (2/57) respectively. There was no significant difference between these two scales. The results also indicated that all these scales were significantly lower than the desired level of quality.
