The Relationship of Staffs' Job Stress, Burnout, and Life Quality to Organizational Climate Satisfaction at Mohaghegh Ardabili University



The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between job stress, burnout, and life quality of Mohaghegh Ardabili University’s staffs and their satisfaction of organizational climate. The research method adopted in this study was descriptive-correlational and the population included all staffs in Mohaghegh Ardabili University. Data were collected from 112 staffs selected through simple random sampling. In order to collect information, a use was made of questionnaires on organizational climate, job stress, burnout, and life quality. The achieved data were analysed using Pearson correlation coefficient, standard multiple regression, and hierarchical multiple regression. Findings revealed a negative correlation to exist between the following categories: job stress with life quality, job stress with organizational climate satisfaction, job burnout with organizational climate satisfaction, and job burnout with life quality. Besides, a significant positive correlation was found between organizational climate satisfaction with life quality, and job burnout with job stress. It was further shown that satisfaction in organizational climate is clearly predictable from these three variables, i.e. burnout, job stress, and life quality. The overall result of this study was that understanding organizational climate and making it coherent can be used as an advantageous tool by managers to make the organization more efficient.


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