Views of High School Administrators and Teachers on Individual and Organizational Values



The purpose of this study was to investigate high school administrators’ and teachers’ views of the role values in individual and organizational lives. 315 teachers (from a population of 1775) and 86 principals (from a population of 110) were sampled through convenience sampling in con siltation with the Morgan’s table. Research instrument was a “Value Scale questionnaire” of Yilmaz and Balci (2009). SPSS (15th) was utilized to run analyses including frequencies, standard deviations, medians, means, and t-test. Findings suggested that both sample groups agreed upon some high priority and low priority individual and organizational values. Both the groups ranked highest “commitment”, “openness”, “religious devotion”, “honesty”, and “achievement” as the individual values and “cooperation”, “commitment”, “respect for people”, “fairness”, and “honesty” as the organizational values. For administrators and teachers, “money” was the lowest ranked individual and organizational value. T-test further revealed that their views significantly differed regarding some of the individual and organizational values


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