On the Relationship between Learning Organization and Organizational Intelligence in Education



The main goal of this study was to determine the relationship between learning organization and organizational intelligence in the education organization and schools of Rafsanjan city. In this research, a descriptive-correlational approach was employed. The study population involved all the educational staff and teachers in Rafsanjan city including 2494 people during the academic year 2010-2011. 33 participants were selected through cluster sampling. For collecting research data the learning organization questionnaire and the organizational intelligence questionnaire were used as measurement instruments. In data analysis, at the descriptive level of statistics, mean, standard deviation, frequency, and distribution tables, were used and Pearson correlation test, stepwise regression, single-group t-test and correlation matrix were used for inferential analysis. The Results showed that coefficient correlation between learning organization and organizational intelligence was (r = 0.72) (P < 0.0001) which was statistically significant.


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