A Feasibility Study on the Use of Managing Performance at Shiraz University’s Educational Departments from Managers’ Viewpoints



The overall purpose of this research was to study the feasibility of managing performances at Shiraz University’s educational departments, based on the views of educational managers of Shiraz University. This study was a descriptive survey. The research population involved educational managers, principals, and assistants at Shiraz University’s faculties and educational departments (n=84). The participants were chosen through convenience sampling. Data were collected through a questionnaire (developed by the present researchers) with two dimensions: advantage and applicability of managing performance at university. After establishing the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, it was distributed among the participants. Of the study population, 58 usable questionnaires were returned. Data were analyzed using inferential statistics. The results showed that managers evaluated the advantage of managing performance in Shiraz University to be below the desired level of adequacy (Q3), and to be at an acceptable adequacy level (Q2). Similarly, they found the applicability of managing performance at Shiraz University to be lower than the acceptable adequacy level (Q2). However, the advantage of using managing performance and its dimensions at university was assessed to be higher than the average of its applicability at the university. Interaction of academic rank and educational department had no meaningful impacts on managers’ viewpoint regarding the advantage and applicability of managing performances.


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