On the Relationship between the Main Components oLearning and Study Strategies (LASS) and Academic

Document Type : Research Paper



This research was conducted to study the relationship between learning and study strategies and academic achievement of Mazandaran Islamic Azad University students. The sample of the this correlational study included 386 university students selected using stratified sampling method out of all students of Mazandaran Islamic Azad University. The main components of learning and study strategies were measured through the standard learning and study strategies inventory (LASSI). Through Pearson correlation, the relationship between three main components of learning and study strategies, namely, skill, will and self-regulating and academic achievement (grade point average) was investigated. The findings revealed that there was a statistically significant relationship between all three components of learning and study strategies and students' academic achievement. It was also shown that there was a significant difference between male and female students in terms of the three components of learning and study strategies. Further, there were considerable differences between learning and study strategies profile of Mazandaran Islamic Azad University students and that of American students.


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