On the Relationship between Organizational Structureand Entrepreneurship

Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between organizational structure and entrepreneurship in Shahid Beheshti University. This correlational and survey research was based on a sample of 103 subjects drawn from a sampling frame of all the university staff (who held a/n associate, bachelor's, master's, doctoral degree) using random stratified sampling strategy. In order to collect data, we employed two questionnaires (entrepreneurship and organizational structure questionnaires) developed by the current researchers. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods (Pearson correlation and multiple regression). The findings showed that there was a significant relationship between organizational structure and entrepreneurship. It was also revealed that there was a negative relationship between some components of organizational structure (formality, complexity and centralization) and entrepreneurship suggesting that the more formality, rules, regulations and complexity (vertical, horizontal and geographical) exist, the less entrepreneurship would be. Additionally it was found that there was no significant relationship between specialization and entrepreneurship


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