An Investigation into the Relationship among Perception ofTeacher's Behavior, Academic Self-concept and Academic

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper presents the results of a study which examined the relationship between perception of teacher's behavior and academic selfconcept and academic performance of students. This research was a descriptive and correlational study. The sampling frame included all guidance school students of Shiraz from which a sample of 14700 students was drawn using stage cluster sampling strategy. This sample comprised a total of 473 students from 16 classrooms (8 boys' and 8 girls' classes) in different grades (4 in first grade, 6 in second grade and 6 in third grade). Three questionnaires (perception of teacher's behavior, academic selfconcept and academic performance) were used to collect data. To analyze data descriptive (mean, standard deviation) and inferential (Pearson correlation, multi-factor regression and t-test) statistics were used. Data analysis indicated that, in general, there was a positive relationship between the perception of teacher's behavior and academic self-concept and academic performance. However, there was no positive significant relationship between first grader boys' and girls' and second grader girls' perception of teacher's behavior and academic self-concept and academic performance. Nor was there a positive significant relationship between third grader girls' perception of teacher's behavior and academic performance. It was also found that there was a positive significant relationship between academic self-concept factors (attitudes toward self, family, friends, teacher and school) and perception of teacher's behavior.


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