An Investigation of the Factorial Components ofCitizenship Culture in the Areas of Values and Norms for

Document Type : Research Paper



The present survey study aimed to investigate the factorial structure of citizenship culture in the areas of values and norms for guidance school. A sample of 103 faculty members was drawn using proportionate random stratified sampling from a total of 283 university professors of Islamic Azad university branches of district one and those of state universities including Yazd, Isfahan, Tehran, Mashhad and Shiraz working at departments of psychology, sociology and humanities. A five-point Liker scale questionnaire developed by the researcher was used as the research instrument. The face validity, content validity and construct validity of the questionnaire (through factor analysis) was established by the researcher. Further, consistency reliability of it was assessed using Cronbach’s Alpha (α=0.92). The Data analysis procedure included two levels of descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and variance) and inferential statistics (factor analysis, t-test, and chi- squared). The results of the study showed that the values dimension has 17 subcomponents from which “preferring general interest over individual interest" (with a factor loading of 0.77) and “preserving environment" (with a factor loading of 0.4) indicators reflected the component of interest the most and the least respectively. In addition, the "problem-solving power when encountering others" and"responsibility" indicators turned out to represent the norms component the most and the least with factor loadings of 0.72 and 0.31 respectively. Further, no significant difference was found concerning the demographical dimensions.


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