The Relationship between Organizational Culture and the Components of Value-based Management and Providing a Model to Predict Management by Values

Document Type : Research Paper



The current study aimed to examine the relationship between organizational culture and value-based management in Abadeh educational organization in order to set forth a model to predict management by values. As far as the hypotheses of the study are concerned a care was taken of the relationships between dimensions of organizational culture (risk acceptance, innovation, motivation, communication, team-work and control) and value-based management. A use was made of two questionnaires developed by the current researcher to assess organizational culture and value-based management. The target population of the study consisted of all of teachers (N=600) and administrative personnel (N=55) of the educational organization of Abadeh in the school year 2009-2010. 234 teachers were sampled using proportionate random sampling method. The sample also included all administrative personnel. Management experts’ comments were utilized to evaluate the validity of the instruments. A use was also made of Cronbach’s alpha to assess their reliability. The alpha indexes for organizational culture and value-based management questionnaires were 0.96 and 0.94 respectively. In order to examine the hypotheses a use was made of inferential statistical (correlation test, multiple regression and path analysis). The results of the study indicated that there was a significant relationship between all variables of organizational culture and value-based management.


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