An Investigation into the Organizational Health of Schools in Tehran on the Basis of Hoy and Fieldsman’s Model

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of the study was to address the organizational health of schools in Tehran in the school year 1386-1387. This survey study involved 690 participants (female=413 and male=277) selected through cluster and stratified random sampling from among a total of 31000 teachers working in Tehran. A use was made of Organizational Health Inventory (OHI) to collect data. The data were analyzed using several nonparametric tests including binominal, Mann-Whitey, Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman tests. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1) schools’ organizational health was appropriate, 2) high schools’ organizational health was the lowest among the schools, 3) nonprofit schools’ organizational health was higher than that of public schools, 4) organizational health of girls’ schools was higher than that of boys’ schools, 5) there was a significant difference among cities as regards organizational health, 6) there was a significantly negative relationship between teachers’ education level and their assessment of the schools’ organizational health, 7) female teachers rated schools’ organizational health higher than male teachers, 8) fulltime and part-time teachers had equal evaluation of the schools’ organizational health, and 9) teaching experience of the teachers did not affect their evaluation of the schools’ organizational health.


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