A Survey of Shiraz Islamic Azad University with regard to Learning Organization from the Perspective of Faculty Membersof Teachers of Shiraz

Document Type : Research Paper



This survey addressed Shiraz Islamic Azad University with regard to learning organization from the perspective of its faculty members in the academic year 2010-2011. The target population involved all the faculty members at Shiraz Azad University (N=271). With this end in view, 160 respondents were selected using random sampling. The instrument used was the standard Learning Organization Measurement questionnaire which taps five characteristics of learning organizations such as leadership, human resources, organizational design, organizational culture, and organizational mission/ strategy dimensions. The reliability of this questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha and its validity was subjected to the judgment of professors and experts. A use was made of both descriptive (frequency & percentage) and inferential statistics (t-test). The results of the study indicated that Shiraz Islamic Azad University as a learning organization attended to dimensions of leadership characteristics (M=3.5) to an extent above the mean, human resources (M=3.06) around the mean, organizational design (M=2.85), and organizational culture (M=2.79), and strategy/ mission (M=2.76) below the mean. .


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