On the Nature of Internet Using: the Case of Nowshar High School Teachers

Document Type : Research Paper



The objective of the present survey study was to see how Internet is used amongNowshar high school teachers in 2010. The statistical population was all teachers that were working in all Nowshar high schools in 2010. Through a stratified sampling approach, a sample of 132 teachers was chosen. The instrument for the collection of data was a questionnaire constructed by the authors. It consists of 24 Likert-scale items and its reliability index (alpha Cronbach) was .92. Data were analyzed through factor analysis, independentt- test, analysis of variance, and Schefe test. Results showed thatteachers use of Internet boils down to six factors, namely: daily needs, academic needs, amusement, shopping, time-wasting and financial concerns. In addition, it was found that teachers’ use of Internet was a function of their digital literacy. No differences were detected between male and female teachers regarding Internet using, however.


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