On the Effect of Teaching Metacognition on the Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aimed to examine the effect of metacognition and metacognitive approaches on the high school first-graders’ ability to solve mathematical problems. The research methods was quasi-experimental. 120 participant students in Yazd were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received a six-week (4 hours a week) training of metacognitive strategies. Before the training, both groups were administered a pre-test. The research instrument was a test of mathematics developed by the current researchers whose reliability and content validity were established. Data were analyzed through employing t-test. It was revealed that there was a significant difference between groups. That is, the mean of the experimental group was significantly larger than that of the control group. In general, this study indicated that teaching metacognitive strategies had a positive effect on their ability to solve mathematical problems and encouraged them to learn mathematics


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